Seven Things I Hate About Instagram

Without a doubt, Instagram is my favorite of all social media applications out right now. I find myself perusing hashtags often and becoming a bit too engaged in the beautiful images I find. Instagram is also the perfect platform for marketing and building brands. Unfortunately though, with every blessing it seems like there’s a curse. Lately I’ve been less inclined to scroll down my timeline out of fear that I’ll end up annoyed. People are posting too frequently and have no concern about the quality of their content.

Below you’ll find a list of things on Instagram that annoy the crap outta me and should be addressed immediately:

1. Lies

Why is it that people feel the need to impress others on social media? I personally know people who are struggling financially yet find time to post stacks of money and/or fancy belongings on their Instagram pages. Going out to party and posting evidence of an elaborate, expensive social life is pointless if at the end of the day you struggle to make ends meet.

2. “Daily Good Morning/Goodnight Videos or Pictures”

Like seriously? Why do your followers need to know when you’re going to bed or headed to work? And why do some people insist on sharing this information? I’ve seen so many videos of people saying things like “Hey Instagram, have a good day,” and I will never understand this need for constant communication.

3. Unfollowing People 

I have a friend who has no problem unfollowing people when they negatively affect her Instagram experience. I, on the other hand, am a bit of a wimp when it comes to that. I feel bad about unfollowing people who I know and have personal relationships with. I have family members who consistently break my self-imposed Instragram rules and I can’t tell them this nor can I unfollow them without feeling guilty. And then someone created that app that allows people to find out who unfollowed them and when, how rude!

4. Selfies

While I admit to taking and posting photographs of myself on occasion, it bothers me when people’s entire Instagram profiles are filled with selfies. Have they nothing better to do? Studies have linked selfies to narcissistic, psychopathic traits and mental illness which doesn’t surprise me one bit. It seems like people are fishing for validation via likes. If you post more than a couple selfies per week and your photos do not produce some type of revenue for you, it may be time to reevaluate.

5. Memes

Granted, some of them are funny but seeing them all day can become an issue. I distinctly remember Instagram solely being available to iPhone users and how it seemed like such an artistic way to share unique photos. Now everyone just reposts funny pictures they come across. Memes are often overused and can get downright ignorant after a while.

6. Half-Nude Women

I’m all about looking and feeling sexy or attractive, but some people just take it to the extreme when posting pictures on Instagram. Some of the risque posts I’ve seen have caused me to question the common sense of the account holders. If you know anyone who posts these photos, please deliver a message for me: “There’s no reason for people to know what you look like in your underwear unless you’re a Victoria’s Secret model. You should never be topless on social media, it’s not cool and it never will be.”

7. That Darn Activity Log

instagram menu

Last but not least, pressing that little heart icon on the Instagram menu enables users to not only see what activity has occurred on their posts, but what’s happening with the people they follow. Why?!?! I wish there was a way to turn that feature off, I don’t need people knowing what I like and when I like it. This feature, although it invades our privacy, is perfect for nosey people.

Maybe I’m just an Instagram snob who should stop expecting people to behave in the manner I’d prefer. Maybe people really need to get their lives together and learn to use social media in ways that are beneficial to themselves and those in their online communities. Who really knows?

There are a few other Instagram habits I just can’t deal with, maybe I’ll share them at another time. For now, feel free to share your thoughts… Are you guilty of these picture posting crimes? If so, you must repent in order to gain my forgiveness.

12 thoughts on “Seven Things I Hate About Instagram”

  1. Guilty as charged I should say! All I have are selfies on Instagram lol but I will say you’ve definitely inspired me to post more artistic pictures! Love You Alex!!!!!!!

  2. Guilty as charged I should say! All I have are selfies on Instagram lol but I will say you’ve definitely inspired me to post more artistic pictures! Love You Alex!!!!!!!

  3. I’m a meme whore! I love memes and quotes even tthough 70% don’t always apply to me, I like to post the quotes for someone who may need a pick me up. They can be a blessing and curse, b/c ppl automatically assume it’s what you’re going through. Lol!

  4. I’m a meme whore! I love memes and quotes even tthough 70% don’t always apply to me, I like to post the quotes for someone who may need a pick me up. They can be a blessing and curse, b/c ppl automatically assume it’s what you’re going through. Lol!

  5. I rarely past on IG… but I’m nosey, so I lurk around looking at other folks posts. But on fb, I must admit I’m a selfie queen. I’ll admit it, I like when people tell me I’m attractive, I don’t always feel it, so getting likes or positive comments does make me feel a bit more secure. Am I totally pitiful? It’s definitely not narcissism! I Maybe a tad mental though!
    Love you. Miss you.

    1. Awww. You are not alone in that and I appreciate your honesty. You’re not totally pitiful as you may take a lot of selfies, but I don’t see you post that many. Besides the ones you do post are fabulous! I just sent you a photo of an offender, that way you’ll know what type of people I was referring to. 🙂

  6. I rarely past on IG… but I’m nosey, so I lurk around looking at other folks posts. But on fb, I must admit I’m a selfie queen. I’ll admit it, I like when people tell me I’m attractive, I don’t always feel it, so getting likes or positive comments does make me feel a bit more secure. Am I totally pitiful? It’s definitely not narcissism! I Maybe a tad mental though!
    Love you. Miss you.

    1. Awww. You are not alone in that and I appreciate your honesty. You’re not totally pitiful as you may take a lot of selfies, but I don’t see you post that many. Besides the ones you do post are fabulous! I just sent you a photo of an offender, that way you’ll know what type of people I was referring to. 🙂

  7. Am I that friend? Lol, I agree with all of the above. I miss the original instagram, when everyone used their own photos, and hash tags. I appreciated looking at different perspectives of egg benedicts, sunrises, and train rides. I still search hash tags of food, I am glad that has not changed. I spent 49 mins last night on #crawfish. I spent an evening unfollowing over 200 people because I got sick of seeing the same post over and over again. Once a celeb posts something, or right after a reunion show of any of those ratchet tv shows my timeline looked as if I was on Facebook. I have never used the activity log, and so I’ve never thought about the fact that people can see how obsessive I get late at night. Number 8: Money Flipping Scams!

  8. Am I that friend? Lol, I agree with all of the above. I miss the original instagram, when everyone used their own photos, and hash tags. I appreciated looking at different perspectives of egg benedicts, sunrises, and train rides. I still search hash tags of food, I am glad that has not changed. I spent 49 mins last night on #crawfish. I spent an evening unfollowing over 200 people because I got sick of seeing the same post over and over again. Once a celeb posts something, or right after a reunion show of any of those ratchet tv shows my timeline looked as if I was on Facebook. I have never used the activity log, and so I’ve never thought about the fact that people can see how obsessive I get late at night. Number 8: Money Flipping Scams!

  9. I forgot to comment on number 1. LIES LIES! I had someone email me a sob story about an unforuntate situation and needing to desperately borrow money. After weeks of trying to get repaid, she posted a brand new BMW. then of course blocked me after I commented on it.

  10. I forgot to comment on number 1. LIES LIES! I had someone email me a sob story about an unforuntate situation and needing to desperately borrow money. After weeks of trying to get repaid, she posted a brand new BMW. then of course blocked me after I commented on it.

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