Fashion Friday: Money-saving shopping tips

This summer I’ve been addicted to online shopping. I’ve purchased swimsuits, dresses and plenty of shoes. To be honest, I’ve purchased more than I need, but luckily I can say that I have not overspent. Why? Because I am a coupon using, sale-seeking shopaholic, one who doesn’t believe in paying full price for anything. I’ve seriously purchased pumps that were originally over $100 for less than $30 and instances like this make me a self-proclaimed budget shopping expert. As an expert, I have a few tips to help you save money while shopping online and in stores:

Set a budget and stick to it. I’d love to be a person with an infinite amount of money for shopping, but since that’s not the case, I’ve mastered the art of setting a budget before shopping. A good way to make sure you stay on budget is by bringing cash to spend as opposed to relying on using credit or debit cards.

Create a wish list. It’s easy to get caught up in trends and want to buy what’s “hot” so I’d suggest planning ahead and making a list of your must-have items. This way you’re more likely not to go over budget by freestyle shopping and buying random items.

When online shopping, don’t start by viewing items that are new in stock. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe in buying full price items. When I do, I almost always have buyer’s remorse. The trick is to look up sale items and sort them by their price (low to high). This helps you spot all the lower priced items first and hopefully you’ll fall in love with some of those.  

Find coupons and/or shop during sales and promotions. I am a fan of coupons and many stores offer pretty great deals. Macy’s, for example, offers a $10 off coupon seemingly every week. Other department stores provide similar deals, you simply have to look for them. Try signing up for emails from your favorite stores and you’ll be the first to hear about promotions they offer. Don’t sign up for too many because your inbox can fill up rather quickly. 

Are there any tips that you have for saving money while shopping? If so, feel free to share them below…

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